Hi there,
Welcome! The little Earthling Blog is an introduction to my mind. A compilation of ideas, beliefs and stories. It is a place for consideration, mindfulness, positivity and diversity. I promise most posts will not be this long and many not as deep but until then, thanks for reading my earthling thoughts.
I am Bridie, a 26 year old from the South Coast of NSW, Australia. I am a grand daughter, daughter, sister, (soon-to-be) sister-in-law and carer of two adorable pups. I am a saurus, a friend and devoted Raiders supporter. I am a Sydney University Anthropology graduate, French speaker, strategic planner and aspiring graphic designer. I am a rock clamberer, mini-cliff jumper and mild risk taker. I am an ocean obsessed beach lover, water baby, shell collector and bare foot adventurer. I am a passionate vegan, proud feminist and stubborn strong willed female. I am a student of yoga, physie enthusiast, fruit lover, animal admirer and zealous volunteer. I am a realistic thinker yet an optimistic dreamer.

I am a rainy day appreciator, chronic illness fighter, sunshine follower and sunset seeker. I am a succulent grower, frangipani appreciator, and a budding photographer. I am a free thinker, a self professed hippy and a mindful conscious being. I am a height challenged basketballer, an impatient hurrier, an overly sensitive noise noticer, epic can’t-sit-stiller, an excessive empathy catcher and self critiquer. I am an avid documentary watcher, symmetry spotter, stargazer and mindful meditator. I am a heteronormative, white cis female who believes in the equality of all humans regardless of race, gender, age, sexuality, or ethnicity. I am a thankful acknowledger of the original custodians of the land on which I live. I am a refugee rights believer and aspiring poverty alleviator. I am a book lover, nature admirer, music absorber, board game player and now, blog writer. While you may be thinking, ‘Bridie that is the most narcissistic introduction to a blog I have ever read’… Apart from letting you know who I am, I have a larger point to make…stick with me! All of the above characteristics are essential components of who I am. Together they create how I see myself, how I present myself and how I hope the world sees me. These characteristics have become part of my fluid identity throughout different times in my life. Some have been part of me since birth (just ask my family about the stubborn strong willed part) while others are relatively new (blog writer). However, there is one characteristic that is absolutely integral to my identity which predates all others and is (very) unlikely to change…. I am an Earthling.
While Earthling sounds like it is from a new-wave sci-fi novel, the word EARTHLING has had great power and impact upon my life. I am a little Earthling, and whether you know it or not, so are you, maybe just not as little. Earthling simply means inhabitant of Planet Earth. While this may seem obvious, it means that each of us on this earth are one. We are all one group, all worthy and important earthlings. When I became aware of this Earthling status it forced me to reassess how I lived my life. I was no longer simply Australian, no longer simply a white female, no longer just human. I was a part of a bigger group, a bigger community I didn’t previously realise.
This mindset has impacted the way I interact with other humans, other animals and my environment around me. So much of our world’s exclusion, conflict and harm comes from divisions created by and amongst human kind. Divisions of nationality, faith, religion, race, gender, caste and class. Above those divisions, we are all earthlings here to look after one another and thrive. I am simply lucky to have been born in a location and society in which I have great comfort and privilege. It is therefore my responsibility to realise and use this unwarranted privilege in my everyday thoughts and behaviour to advocate for the equality of earthlings just like me who were not born so lucky. As humans we have great power within our advanced and complex evolutionary traits. This power has seen fantastic positives unfold such as technological advancements, medical break throughs, eradication of disease and a comfortable, complex way of life. However, with power often comes great downfalls such as social systems which ensure poverty, uneven distribution of resources, factory farming, the abuse of billions of animals daily, pollution, excessive waste and deforestation (just to name a few). As earthlings we need to respect the responsibility of our power, all earthlings should have basic human and animal rights. We should all have the right to live peacefully, love freely, sleep comfortably, eat nutritionally, seek refuge and rely on fellow earthlings for help in times of need. The treatment of other humans, our fellow animals and our environment is paramount to the quality of our lives lived and the success of our planets future. So above all I am an earthling. Here to help others.
That is why I am - The Little Earthling. Peace and Love, The Little Earthling.