Kindness is always the answer. If you only take ONE thought from this post, let it be that. In the face of anger, hardship, inequality, difference, fear, insecurity or misunderstanding, kindness is the answer. Our world has so sadly become detached from our innate desire and ability to be kind. The world is separated and divided by boarders, boundaries and walls. Humans longing for safety and aid are being detained, isolated and hated. Innocent animals are being brought into the world simply to be killed and eaten. Women and children are being trafficked as commodities. Humans are disconnecting and misunderstanding one another with fear and hatred. So many global differences and conflicts, could be solved (and if not solved, greatly aided) by open, kind and understanding hearts.
The power of kindness can also be felt on an individual person-to-person scale. You, Me, Everyone! Simply connecting kindly can make such a difference to the lives of those around us. To me, kindness is to treat all others around me, whether it be my family, friends, strangers or furry animal friends, with love, compassion and understanding while expecting and wanting nothing in return. Sometimes it might seem small but small acts make big waves.
If you are going to take TWO thoughts from this post please let the second be this… Kindness does not equal weakness. In fact, It often takes great strength. If someone has hurt us or hurt somebody we love. If a great injustice is seen or disagreement felt, kindness is not always the first emotion found. Anger is often met by anger, stress by stress and fear by fear. It takes great reflection and strength to meet such people, emotions or experiences with understanding and kindness.
That is not to say you cannot speak your mind and remain kind. In fact, I have found that speaking my mind with kindness as my objective has allowed me to share my thoughts in a manner which is immeasurably more open and helpful. Sharing my lifestyle is a perfect example. It can be tricky to share my vegan lifestyle in a world saturated with an omnivorous mindset. It is often hard for me not to react to great injustices with anger. However it is so important, both for my well being and the vegan cause, to meet injustices or differing opinions with kindness and understanding. Anger will not help, in fact it will hinder. Kindness is a strength and a highly effective manner to express your beliefs and compassions, what ever they may be.
If you are still reading, thanks ;) and I have a bonus THIRD thought you can take from this post... Be kind to yourself! This one i'm not so good at. Self critique and perfectionism is something that is always there for this little earthling, however I know I must be kind to myself, as only then can more and more kindness grow. One week, I took myself on a little beach house stay to rejuvenate, relax and reflect. I watched the sunrise, photographed rainbows, walked around the Island and collected shells. Idyllic right?! It was. While a little beach getaway is not always possible, smaller chances to be kind to myself are there each day the sun rises.
Each day I reflect and remember to be kind. Each person I meet is getting through life in their own unique way. Some are drifting, others are fumbling, some even battling. So I try to be kind, speak my mind and understand with an open heart. I try to spread kindness as far, wide and deeply as I can to all earthlings, human and non-human. Kindness is often perceived by others as an achilles heel to success but I see it as my greatest tool and strength. Peace and Love
The Little Earthling