At a time in my life when I needed it most, the universe placed yoga into my hands as a lifeline. I had been to many yoga classes in years passed and thought I understood all that yoga had to offer. Similarly, a few times yoga had been suggested yet I passed it up as a concept I had already explored. Boy was I wrong… I now understand that you need to be ready to accept yoga into your life. Even more importantly, you need the right people and environment to guide and encourage you in this process. Yoga is so much more than I first understood. Here is the story of how it found me.
A little over 8 months ago I found myself in emergency for a minor health inconvenience. I was given a routine prescription drug at a low dose which was intended to make me feel a bit better. Unfortunately my little rare body is in a very small percentage of people who have a neuro-toxic allergy to this particular drug. Minutes after it was delivered in my IV, my body was struggling. I was unable eat, sit, sleep or rest for any longer than 3 seconds for the following 6 days.
As you can imagine, my body and mind quickly became exhausted. One of the sleepless nights coincided with the rare event the 'super moon'. I remember watching its bright blaze for hours. I put a task to myself to photograph the moon with my SLR camera, something that normally would be simple and enjoyable. In the state my body was in I remember struggling to hold the camera still, the settings came in and out of focus with my trembling hands aimlessly holding the lense. This shaky memory has stuck strongly in my mind as a rare connection to the real world in the haze of my non-reality.
After 6 days of no sleep or rest, my vision melted into heat waves and my body began collapsing from fatigue. Finally, my body collapsed into sleep and I was able to rest for the first time. The longest week of my life was over.
In the weeks following, my body and mind were still recuperating. My incredible naturopath Ali (my literal lifesaver) gently suggested yoga to help calm my mind and body. Ali gave me the number of a yoga teacher who may be able to see me for a one on one consult. Immediately after, I called the number I had scrawled on a spare crumbled receipt. By 2pm that afternoon I was in Heather’s Rosedale Yoga Studio recounting the events of the past month and opening my mind to the possibilities of yoga and meditative practice. It was extremely difficult at first, trying to calm a over-active mind and a resistant body. But I persisted.
Over the following weeks and now months, Heather and her yoga studio have become a place of refuge for me. Yoga has helped quieten my mind and rest my active body. Those who know me well know I don't stop and relax often. Yoga has been a shining light for this busy Earthling! I am often not even aware of the busyness I am carrying until I arrive at the studio and begin breathing and turning my focus inward. At the exact right time I was guided to the exact right place to begin integrating yoga into my daily life. I cannot thank Heather enough for her guidance and encouragement.
As it turns out, the many yoga classes I had previously attended were not infact true representations of yoga practice. Yoga is an incredibly complex and diverse practice which goes far beyond the postures and movements associated with yoga in this modern day. I had only known Asana (the posture) branch of yoga which is helpful, yet extremely limited when practiced alone and out of context.
Similarly, when practiced without connection and guidance from other people and teachers, the power of yoga can be lost. I have found the guidance of my yoga teacher, the community of our yoga group and the deep wisdom they share with me immeasurably helpful in understanding yoga and myself.
Yoga in its complexity and potency has become a staple of my everyday life. No matter what is happening personally or within the wider world, no matter where I am, I can find my centre and find peace at my yoga mat. I am just at the very beginning of my yoga journey with so much still to learn and understand. I am truly thankful that yoga found me and resonated with me at this exact point in my life. I look forward to the peace and possibility it has for my future.
To be continued… Part 2: “How Yoga has changed me”
<3 Peace and Love
The Little Earthling Yogi