The universe really does work in mysterious ways. I truly believe life elements are brought to you at the exact moment you need them. A few years ago a beautiful friend mentioned that oils could really help me on my health recovery. At that exact time I stored that information but didn't receive it fully. A year ago my best childhood friend mentioned she had been using essential oils. With the idea stored in my mind and my health much more on track, I started researching how these oils could be applied to my life. A month later my gorgeous cousin and super mum of three entered the oil world. I begun hearing more and more about their benefits and decided the universe was gently nudging me in the essential oil direction. Fast forward to now, I have been using essential oils in so many aspects and areas of my life for about a year. They really are an incredible asset to have and a magic natural remedy to almost any problem. I find myself reaching for at least four different oils a day. They beautifully support my daily yoga practice and my continual efforts to live a calm, mindful and natural life. I could go on forever about the benefits of oils and how they have seamlessly integrated into my daily life but i'll spare you the rambles. Here are my top 5 essential oils which uplift, calm, energise, protect and soothe me each day:
1. L A V E N D E R
My sleepy oil. My calming oil. My everything oil. If in doubt, I grab lavender. It promotes consciousness, health and calm. I use it on my pressure points each night as well as diffusing it throughout the day. It is incredible in calming anxiety and worry. Lavender has a million other uses including promoting balance, calming body systems, skin conditions and relieving headaches. Overall legend.

2. P E P P E R M I N T
My life saver oil. Peppermint has been an amazing oil for my health recovery. It soothes digestion, motion sickness and chronic fatigue. Peppermint is one of the oils I use aromatically, topically, internally and often. I even have a mini diffuser in my car to help with travel, it works wonders! Additionally, I find peppermint amazing for alertness. When designing and studying I diffuse peppermint to concentrate while staying fresh and alert.

3. T E A T R E E
My First Aid Oil - Tea tree is my first thought when any accidents, cuts, scrapes or skin conditions arise. It's anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory elements are a natural remedy for an endless list of problems. I use Tea Tree for my skin and hair health and it is a constant in my handbag in case of emergency. Tea Tree is also one of the oils I put in each of my home-made anti-bacterial blends.

4. B E R G A M O T
My Emotional Oil. Bergamot is a friendly supporter. It calms stress and emotional imbalance. Whenever I feel too up or too down, Bergamot levels me out, guides me into calmness and relieves mental stress. It relieves tension while remaining refreshing and uplifting.

5. L E M O N
My zesty fresh oil. Lemon is my cleaning buddy. It is beautiful to diffuse and purify the air. I add two drops to my morning water and use it to clean and sanitise. As a disinfectant, Lemon is a wonderful natural way to ward off bacteria and viruses and cleanse your body and environment.

Essential oils are magic. They work gently, naturally and seamlessly alongside my body, mind and environment. If you haven't introduced oils into your life and you have an interest or inkling towards them, do it. You will not look back!

Next week Part 2 - M Y T O P F I V E E S S E N T I A L O I L B L E N D S Peace and Love
The Little Oily Earthling