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4 Speeches That Changed My Life - World Vegan Day

Happy World Vegan Day! To my Vegan brothers and sisters thank you for your compassion and contribution. To my non-vegan brothers and sisters, thank you so much for reading this today with an open mind, you're in for a treat! If you do one thing today, this week, this month, this year please watch one of these speeches. They are eloquent, compassionate and inspirational talks which have forever changed the course of my life.

Going Vegan was the best decision I have ever made. I am vegan for the animals, for the environment, for my health, for the planet, for world hunger, for wildlife, for the amazing community, for the delicious food, for the compassion and peace it gives my soul. I am first and foremost an earthling, an equal member of this planet here for the sole reason to look after one another with love and compassion. Please take some time to watch these videos, they will blow you away.

1. The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky

"If cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys go into slaughterhouses alive and come out chopped up into hundreds of pieces, how could anyone claim that animals aren't being mistreated, abused, tortured, terrorized and savagely murdered in these places? How in the world could SLAUGHTERING BILLIONS of INNOCENTS be done with love, humanity and concern?"

"The worst scream I have ever heard, by far, is a mother cow on a dairy farm screaming her lungs out day, after day, after day for her stolen baby to be given back to her. And why do they steal babies from their moms? Well, the dairy industry can't have little babies sucking up all that milk that was meant for them. Every time you have a glass of cow milk, some calf is not.”

2. This Speech is your wake up call- James Aspey

"Since when was it extreme to not want to harm animals? When did that become extreme? What is extreme is saying we love animals and we are against animal cruelty when we pay people to mutilate and torture and slaughter animals for foods and products we don't need. Thats extreme"

"Its so simple, Its shockingly simple.... If you don't want to harm animals, you have to become vegan. Thats it."

"These are the animals I used to kill. Now we sit around and chill. Save lives. Positive vibes. This is what it's like to be a vegan."

3. 101 Reasons to go Vegan - James Wildman

"If I were to put a pig on this side of the room living, and a butchers knife on the side of that room, how many people would be willing to pick up the knife and take the life of that animal? It’s very rare right? And if somebody did that, that’s all right, but how many people would try to stop that person from doing it? Right. Would we try that? of course, that’s compassion. That is the greatest quality of the human race. There is no other species on this planet that has that level of compassion to extend to all living beings.

But, if you would stop somebody from killing a pig in front of you and then go home and have this for breakfast that’s called hypocrisy. Just because it comes in a nice neat package all dressed up in the supermarket, just because you didn’t take the knife and shove it through their jugular just because you didn’t get blood on your clothes and just because you didn’t hear their screams, it does not mean that you did not participate in the killing. Every time we buy this product, we are supporting somebody else doing what we ourselves would not want to do, what we ourselves would not want to see, and what we ourselves would not want to hear."

4. You Will Never Look at Your Life in the Same Way Again - Earthling Ed

"Imagine if every child that was born into this world, imagine if they were taught that the life of a chicken should be valued with the same respect that we give to the dogs that we cherish in our homes or indeed even to our own selves, imagine if every child that was born into this world was taught that in the ocean a fish that they will never meet, whose life may seem inconsequential, imagine if that child was taught that that fish should be able to live their life without human inflicted pain or exploitation. How would that child ever grow up to harm or oppress another human based on entire superfluous irrelevant reasons such as race, sexuality or ethnicity... If they were taught that all life was precious, that all life should be treated with respect, dignity and compassion and allowed the basic fundamental right, to live"


If you are interested in Veganism, have been thinking about it for a while...If this is the first time you've heard of it, if something has resonated, or you have any questions what so ever, please feel free to get in touch. There are limitless resources and support out there to make this change! Every gorgeous Vegan in my life, each Vegan I have met says something along the lines of.... 'Its the best decision i've ever made, I only wish I had done it sooner'

Peace and Love

The Little Vegan Earthling.

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